This year the bluebirds have taken the wind out of my sails by nesting in the purple martin house. Oh, I'm thrilled that they are nesting, but I have a perfectly nice blue bird nesting box that they have used since 2007. The nest box is about 6 foot off the ground and has a swingdown door for easy access. I always enjoyed taking a daily peak at the progress and seeing close up the miracle that are bluebirds. This year
20 feet up, high in the sky. I am blaming the mockingbirds for being mean to them and causing the move.
Still, I am enjoying seeing the flurry of activity many times each day as mom and pop feed the new babies. I'm just frustrated that I don't know how many. I suspect a LOT because they fly back and forth non-stop all day long. In with the food, out with the fecal sacs.
So, from my ground perch I dream about the growth of downy feathers and hungry open mouths and think that with my field glasses and zoom camera I merely have a different view than past years.