FINALLY! Tanner was out before dawn this morning but it was very close to his time so I sent him leash-less off into the yard. After a while I heard a lot of commotion and barking so I went to the door to get him in. He was at the fence, barking into the backyard. Could the deer be there? Or is it just one of the rabbits.
I called him in and got the flashlight and shined it around back. WHOA! It's the Armadillo!!!! HORRAY! I ran to get the camera and crept up and took a few photos while (s)he quickly moved along munching away. One photo with it standing up shows the reason for a common name "Turtle Rabbit". I just wish it was a better shot, but with the flashlight between my knees, it isn't too bad.
I need a lighting director or maybe just a grip to hold the flashlight!